Bila baca cerita Ihsan kat bawah tu, aku teringat satu cerita lain yg agak sama...
Ada sorang mamat yang kerja kat ME (bukan Q8 & bukan aku!) nak balik bercuti ke Kolumpo. Lepas survey punya survey, maka didapati tiket yang paling murah ialah Sri Langka Airlines. Dia ni pun mungkin tak berapa biasa travel naik flight ni, sbb kena transit kat airport Sri Lanka and decided to buy from agent.
Maka dia pun pergilah ke travel agen nak beli tiket, dia pun cakaplah return ticket ke Kolumpo. Agen to double confirmlah itenary & price tiketnya memang murah. Excited & happy dia bayar dan agen pun printlah print ticket.
Bila sampai hari dia travel, dia pun naik flight dan everything went smoothly. Sampai di Airport Sri Lanka dia gabra sket sbb tak tahu nak cari gate kat mana, local time kul berapa, etc. So, tunggu punya tunggu... Dia hairan kenapa flightnya takde.
So dia pergilah tanya kat customer service counter nak tanya kul berapa local time skrg dan kul berapa flight dia.
Dia terduduk tak terkata bila pegawai tu cakap... "You are in Kolumpo (Colombo) Airport... You have arrived your destination Sir".
p/s: Same thing may be doesn't mean the same thing... Cakap biar terang!!
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Football Match - Malindo..he he
Football matches have been going on for two weeks now between Malaysians and Indonesian at Padang kat Mishref. Minggu pertama Malaysia menang 5 berbalas 2...last week the Indons imported better players so last week i.e. 3 Jan 2009 kite seri 2-2. Hujung minggu ni ade hopefully kite boleh menang lagi sekali.
Kepada player-player semua...syabas...terutama Gol Keeper yang dah manage to save 2 penalty two weeks in a row....nampaknye tak sia-sia upah bomoh siam jaga pintu gol ..he he..
Jasmin yang hadir pada perlawanan tersebut menulis di bawah and gambar-gambar adalah dari last weeks' match courtesy of Jasmin(AJ)...thanks bro (pics have been edited and croped to suit the posting).
Mishref 3 Jan. — Perlawanan diantara Malaysia dengan Indonesia menyaksikan gol terikat dengan 2 sama.
Walaupun dengan cuaca yang sejuk masing-masing menunjukkan prestasi yang amat membanggakan.Kepada anda yang terlepas perluang untuk menyaksikan perlawanan tersebut, pastikan anda datang pada minggu hadapan pada masa dan tempat yang sama.
Sekian Terima Kasih....
Saksikan aksi2 yang menarik sumbangan ehsan dari Wartawan yang bertugas.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Royal Reception At Sheraton 01 Dec 2008
We give thanks to our members and friends who have gone out of their way to get ready for the reception by purchasing suits, shoes and dresses for the event. Your adherence to the dress code and punctuality was very much appreciated and you did us all proud.
Tetapi pada masa yang sama, kita kesal melihat sikap beberapa orang Malaysian, walaupun bukan ahli MAK, yang seolah-olah tidak langsung menghormati Majlis Santapan bersama DYMM Tuanku. Kedatangan mereka yang lewat dan berpakaian yang tidak mengikut aturan majlis seolah-olah memperkecilkan majlis bersama Tuanku. Kita sedih kerana perlakuan tersebut turut memberi gambaran pada pihak Tuanku yang rakyat Malaysia di Kuwait tidak peka dengan kesopanan menghadiri sesuatu majlis rasmi dan adat istiadat majlis yang dihadiri oleh DYMM Tuanku.
Kita berseru agar semua ahli MAK mengambil iktibar dalam hal ini dan sentiasa menjaga adab dan tatasusila kita sebagai orang Malaysia lebih-lebih lagi orang Melayu. Kita sentiasa harus ingat asal usul siapa kita walau dimana jua kita berada.
Acara diakhiri dengan Tuanku mencemar duli bersalaman with all Malaysian who were present. Last but not least, we also offer our thanks and appreciation to the Embassy who has diligently worked all week preparing for the reception and have managed to include the reception in the DYMM Tuanku's agenda.![](
We are sure to remember this event for a long time to come.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Meeting: Reactivation of MAK
Dato'/Datin/Tuan/ Puan/Saudara/ Saudari,
Assalamu`alaikum dan selamat sejahtera semua. Terlebih dahulu, saya sebagai wakil persatuan MAK (yang telah dibekukan) mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua yang telah memberi maklumbalas berkenaan dengan keaktifan semula persatuan ini. Dengan ini, anda semua yang merupakan bekas ahli dan bakal ahli persatuan dijemput datang ke mesyuarat MAK untuk membincangkan lebih terperinci berkenaan usul tersebut. Butiran mesyuarat adalah seperti dibawah.
Tempat : Dewan Serbaguna Kedutaan Malaysia.
Hari : Khamis, 27/11/08
Waktu : 7.30 Malam
Bersama-sama ini dilampirkan perlembagaan persatuan untuk rujukan semua. Kehadiran anda mencerminkan sokongan anda terhadap masa depan persatuan ini.
Yang benar,
Telefon: 97683490
Dear Dato'/Datin/Ladies/ Gentlemen,
Assalamu`alaikum and good day. On behalf of MAK (Frozen), I would like to thank everybody who have given the responses regarding the reactivation of MAK. You are cordially invited to a meeting to discuss the reactivation of our association. The details of the meeting are as below.
Venue : Multi Purpose Hall Malaysian Embassy.
Day : Thursday, 27/11/08
Time : 7.30 PM
Attached herewith is the association's constitution for your reference. Your attendance makes the difference.
Best regards,
Phone: 97683490
Assalamu`alaikum dan selamat sejahtera semua. Terlebih dahulu, saya sebagai wakil persatuan MAK (yang telah dibekukan) mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua yang telah memberi maklumbalas berkenaan dengan keaktifan semula persatuan ini. Dengan ini, anda semua yang merupakan bekas ahli dan bakal ahli persatuan dijemput datang ke mesyuarat MAK untuk membincangkan lebih terperinci berkenaan usul tersebut. Butiran mesyuarat adalah seperti dibawah.
Tempat : Dewan Serbaguna Kedutaan Malaysia.
Hari : Khamis, 27/11/08
Waktu : 7.30 Malam
Bersama-sama ini dilampirkan perlembagaan persatuan untuk rujukan semua. Kehadiran anda mencerminkan sokongan anda terhadap masa depan persatuan ini.
Yang benar,
Telefon: 97683490
Dear Dato'/Datin/Ladies/ Gentlemen,
Assalamu`alaikum and good day. On behalf of MAK (Frozen), I would like to thank everybody who have given the responses regarding the reactivation of MAK. You are cordially invited to a meeting to discuss the reactivation of our association. The details of the meeting are as below.
Venue : Multi Purpose Hall Malaysian Embassy.
Day : Thursday, 27/11/08
Time : 7.30 PM
Attached herewith is the association's constitution for your reference. Your attendance makes the difference.
Best regards,
Phone: 97683490
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Lunch Invitation - Majlis Santapan Tengah Hari
Assalamualaikum & Salam Sejahtera,
Tuan-tuan & Puan-puan,
Bagi pihak Istana Negara, Kedutaan Besar Malaysia dengan hormatnya ingin menjemput semua warganegara Malaysia dan pasangan yang berada di Kuwait untuk Majlis Santapan Tengah Hari bersama Duli Yang Maha Mulia Al-Wathiqu Billah Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin Ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Mahmud Al-Muktafi Billah Shah, Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong XIII dan Duli Yang Maha Mulia Tuanku Nur Zahirah, Seri Paduka Baginda Raja Permaisuri Agong. Butir-butir Majlis adalah seperti berikut:
Tarikh : 1 Disember 2008
Hari : Isnin
Tempat : Diamond Ballroom Sheraton Hotel
Pakaian Lelaki: Lounge Suit
Pakaian Perempuan : Baju Kurung/ Kebaya Labuh
Sebagai persedian kepada ketibaan Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong dan Raja Permaisuri Agong, tuan-tuan dan puan-puan adalah dipohon untuk tiba di Diamond Ballroom, 45 minit sebelum ketibaan Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong dan Raja Permaisuri Agong. Untuk kemudahan tuan-tuan dan puan-puan, pihak Kedutan sedang mengusahakan tempat di Sheraton Hotel bagi menempatkan anak-anak. Maklumat lanjut mengenai perkara ini akan diberitahu kelak. Aturcara majlis adalah seperti berikut:-
Aturcara Majlis Tentatif
11.15 am : Ketibaan Rakyat Malaysia
12.00 pm : Ketibaan Seri Paduka Baginda Yang Di-Pertuan Agong & Raja Permaisuri Agong
12.15 pm : Program makan tengah hari
1.15 pm : Seri Paduka Baginda Yang Di-Pertuan Agong dan Raja Permaisuri Agong berangkat meninggalkan majlis
1.20 pm : Majlis bersurai
Tuan-tuan dan puan-puan juga dipohon untuk memaklumkan kehadiran tuan-tuan dan puan-puan selewat-lewatnya pada hari Jumaat, 28 November 2008 kepada YM Raja Nor Zaharah Raja Idris Shah (67046693) atau kepada Encik Zufli Che Seman (99434012). Kerjamasa tuan-tuan dan puan-puan adalah amat dihargai. Semoga kehadiran tuan-tuan dan puan-puan akan memeriahkan dan memberkati lagi majlis ini. Sekian, terima kasih.
Salam mesra,
Setiausaha Kedua Kedutaan Besar Malaysia Kuwait
Tuan-tuan & Puan-puan,
Bagi pihak Istana Negara, Kedutaan Besar Malaysia dengan hormatnya ingin menjemput semua warganegara Malaysia dan pasangan yang berada di Kuwait untuk Majlis Santapan Tengah Hari bersama Duli Yang Maha Mulia Al-Wathiqu Billah Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin Ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Mahmud Al-Muktafi Billah Shah, Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong XIII dan Duli Yang Maha Mulia Tuanku Nur Zahirah, Seri Paduka Baginda Raja Permaisuri Agong. Butir-butir Majlis adalah seperti berikut:
Tarikh : 1 Disember 2008
Hari : Isnin
Tempat : Diamond Ballroom Sheraton Hotel
Pakaian Lelaki: Lounge Suit
Pakaian Perempuan : Baju Kurung/ Kebaya Labuh
Sebagai persedian kepada ketibaan Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong dan Raja Permaisuri Agong, tuan-tuan dan puan-puan adalah dipohon untuk tiba di Diamond Ballroom, 45 minit sebelum ketibaan Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong dan Raja Permaisuri Agong. Untuk kemudahan tuan-tuan dan puan-puan, pihak Kedutan sedang mengusahakan tempat di Sheraton Hotel bagi menempatkan anak-anak. Maklumat lanjut mengenai perkara ini akan diberitahu kelak. Aturcara majlis adalah seperti berikut:-
Aturcara Majlis Tentatif
11.15 am : Ketibaan Rakyat Malaysia
12.00 pm : Ketibaan Seri Paduka Baginda Yang Di-Pertuan Agong & Raja Permaisuri Agong
12.15 pm : Program makan tengah hari
1.15 pm : Seri Paduka Baginda Yang Di-Pertuan Agong dan Raja Permaisuri Agong berangkat meninggalkan majlis
1.20 pm : Majlis bersurai
Tuan-tuan dan puan-puan juga dipohon untuk memaklumkan kehadiran tuan-tuan dan puan-puan selewat-lewatnya pada hari Jumaat, 28 November 2008 kepada YM Raja Nor Zaharah Raja Idris Shah (67046693) atau kepada Encik Zufli Che Seman (99434012). Kerjamasa tuan-tuan dan puan-puan adalah amat dihargai. Semoga kehadiran tuan-tuan dan puan-puan akan memeriahkan dan memberkati lagi majlis ini. Sekian, terima kasih.
Salam mesra,
Setiausaha Kedua Kedutaan Besar Malaysia Kuwait
Monday, November 24, 2008
Football Friendly Match & Kuwait Map
Dear all Malaysians in Kuwait...
We will have a football friendly match as follows:
Match : Malaysia Team vs Indonesia Hawally Team
Venue : Mishref Football Ground, Block 2, Mishref
Date : 29-Nov-2008 (Saturday)
Time : 3.00pm to 5.00pm
All are invited to come (to play or watch). Using the attached map, the easiest way to go is by using Highway 30 or 40 an take exit to King Khalid Bin Abdul Aziz Street (KKAA).
We will have a football friendly match as follows:
Match : Malaysia Team vs Indonesia Hawally Team
Venue : Mishref Football Ground, Block 2, Mishref
Date : 29-Nov-2008 (Saturday)
Time : 3.00pm to 5.00pm
All are invited to come (to play or watch). Using the attached map, the easiest way to go is by using Highway 30 or 40 an take exit to King Khalid Bin Abdul Aziz Street (KKAA).
If you are from highway 40 take left exit to KKAA street, go straight and after 2 traffic lights (may be 1) and look for McDonald Restaurant on your right side. If you go through Highway 30, take right exit to KKAA (just before Road 6). You need to make a U-turn and look for McDonald Restaurant on your right side. The field just opposite of this restaurant. You may need to down load and print out this map for your travel convenience.
P/S: If you need more info, pls call Azrin 6518 7813 or Smiling Sukri 9723 0367. TQ!
Commercial to work visas set
Source: (Nov 27, 2008)
KUWAIT CITY, Nov 23: The Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor has asked the General Immigration Department to allow the transfer of commercial visit visas to work permits in the private sector, reports Al-Awan daily quoting a reliable source. Enumerating conditions for the transfer, the source said applicants should be academic degree holders while employers should obtain approval from the department and prove their actual need for additional manpower. He added the ministry, in coordination with the department, has laid down a mechanism to control the issuance of visit visas to some nationalities, who cause trouble in the country.
On the other hand, Chairman of the Inspection Committee at the ministry Jalal Al-Qot revealed the committee recently launched a comprehensive campaign in Hawally, Salmiya, Sulaibiya and Sabah Al-Nasser. He said the inspection teams raided women’s salons, beauty centers and billiard halls in these areas, resulting in the arrest of 13 Asian women who were violating the Residency Law. He added the teams also apprehended over 35 marginal laborers, who are residing in the country illegally, in Sulaibiya and Sabah Al-Nasser.
Meanwhile, the Director General of Immigration Department at the Ministry of Interior Brigadier Kamel Al-Awadhi discussed on Sunday coordination efforts to address domestic servants’ issues with representatives of Asian embassies in the country. The department is studying some proposals on the issue to determine practical solutions to it, a statement the ministry quoted Al-Awadhi as saying.On their part, the Asian embassies’ representatives lauded outcomes of the meeting, underlining at the same time necessity to find solutions for all problems related to domestic servants, the statement added.
The sponsorship system is an outdated practice which needs to be eliminated as fast as possible before it can cause more harm to the country, says representative of International Labor Organization (ILO) in Kuwait Thabet Al-Haroon. Speaking to Awan daily, he said the cancellation of sponsorship system will help in developing and organizing the labor market and will help achieve national, economic and social targets, in addition to increasing the productivity of private sector. “Many people say the sponsorship system is tarnishing the country’s image both regionally and internationally while some others compare it to slavery. Therefore, we need to take a serious stance, enforce Article 92 and get the new labor law ratified at the earliest,” noted Al-Haroon.
KUWAIT CITY, Nov 23: The Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor has asked the General Immigration Department to allow the transfer of commercial visit visas to work permits in the private sector, reports Al-Awan daily quoting a reliable source. Enumerating conditions for the transfer, the source said applicants should be academic degree holders while employers should obtain approval from the department and prove their actual need for additional manpower. He added the ministry, in coordination with the department, has laid down a mechanism to control the issuance of visit visas to some nationalities, who cause trouble in the country.
On the other hand, Chairman of the Inspection Committee at the ministry Jalal Al-Qot revealed the committee recently launched a comprehensive campaign in Hawally, Salmiya, Sulaibiya and Sabah Al-Nasser. He said the inspection teams raided women’s salons, beauty centers and billiard halls in these areas, resulting in the arrest of 13 Asian women who were violating the Residency Law. He added the teams also apprehended over 35 marginal laborers, who are residing in the country illegally, in Sulaibiya and Sabah Al-Nasser.
Meanwhile, the Director General of Immigration Department at the Ministry of Interior Brigadier Kamel Al-Awadhi discussed on Sunday coordination efforts to address domestic servants’ issues with representatives of Asian embassies in the country. The department is studying some proposals on the issue to determine practical solutions to it, a statement the ministry quoted Al-Awadhi as saying.On their part, the Asian embassies’ representatives lauded outcomes of the meeting, underlining at the same time necessity to find solutions for all problems related to domestic servants, the statement added.
The sponsorship system is an outdated practice which needs to be eliminated as fast as possible before it can cause more harm to the country, says representative of International Labor Organization (ILO) in Kuwait Thabet Al-Haroon. Speaking to Awan daily, he said the cancellation of sponsorship system will help in developing and organizing the labor market and will help achieve national, economic and social targets, in addition to increasing the productivity of private sector. “Many people say the sponsorship system is tarnishing the country’s image both regionally and internationally while some others compare it to slavery. Therefore, we need to take a serious stance, enforce Article 92 and get the new labor law ratified at the earliest,” noted Al-Haroon.
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