Monday, April 16, 2007

President's Speech

Assalamualaikum & Salam Sejahtera,

Firstly, I would like to thank all the Malaysian Association of Kuwait (MAK) members for given me and the new Executive Committee members a mandate to serve MAK group for 2007/08. We will do our best within our capacity to continue MAK traditions, as well as establishing new ideas to ensure MAK moves into a new horizon. As MAK members, I'm seeking your continues support and participations to ensure the success of all 2007/08 programs.

In order to ensure MAK objectives are not deviated from its original plan as envisaged when MAK was formed, it was proposed and unanimously agreed during the 6 th Annual General Meeting (AGM), to create the Advisor position. The candidate for the position is appointed by MAK Executive Committee and to be selected, he/she must be an 'old hand' and well verse with MAK matters. For 2007/08, En. Mohd Yunos has been appointed as the Advisor.

The 2007/08 MAK Executive Committee members will meet in due course to outline the one-year programs. I would like to take this opportunity to welcome members' ideas, suggestions and contributions, if any, to be included in the 2007/08 programs.

I sincerely hope that the programs being lay out will further strengthen our community relationship and benefit all members, inline with MAK objectives.

Tuan Zaid Tuan Muda
Malaysian Association of Kuwait 2007/08

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