A Royal Reception was held at the Sheraton Kuwait city in conjunction with the DYMM Yang DiPertuan Agong's visit to Kuwait at Sheraton Hotel, Kuwait City.
We, as Malaysians in Kuwait, feel very lucky and proud to be present at the reception. Many more of us would cherish the opportunity to attend the function but had to painfully miss the event due to work and family commitments. It saddens our heart that they could not be with us yesterday but at the same time admire their sacrifice for this might be just once in a life time event.
The acknowledgment by Tuanku in his speech of our roles here in Kuwait representing Malaysia directly and indirectly filled our heart with pride.We give thanks to our members and friends who have gone out of their way to get ready for the reception by purchasing suits, shoes and dresses for the event. Your adherence to the dress code and punctuality was very much appreciated and you did us all proud.
Tetapi pada masa yang sama, kita kesal melihat sikap beberapa orang Malaysian, walaupun bukan ahli MAK, yang seolah-olah tidak langsung menghormati Majlis Santapan bersama DYMM Tuanku. Kedatangan mereka yang lewat dan berpakaian yang tidak mengikut aturan majlis seolah-olah memperkecilkan majlis bersama Tuanku. Kita sedih kerana perlakuan tersebut turut memberi gambaran pada pihak Tuanku yang rakyat Malaysia di Kuwait tidak peka dengan kesopanan menghadiri sesuatu majlis rasmi dan adat istiadat majlis yang dihadiri oleh DYMM Tuanku. Kita berseru agar semua ahli MAK mengambil iktibar dalam hal ini dan sentiasa menjaga adab dan tatasusila kita sebagai orang Malaysia lebih-lebih lagi orang Melayu. Kita sentiasa harus ingat asal usul siapa kita walau dimana jua kita berada.
Acara diakhiri dengan Tuanku mencemar duli bersalaman with all Malaysian who were present. Last but not least, we also offer our thanks and appreciation to the Embassy who has diligently worked all week preparing for the reception and have managed to include the reception in the DYMM Tuanku's agenda.We are sure to remember this event for a long time to come.